FRISCO Project reunites with TCO Cluster at ALLIES Final Conference
The FRISCO project actively participated in the final conference of sibling ALLIES project, which was held in Athens on 20 February 2025. Represe...
Successful completion of the FRISCO Project with final conference hosted in Brussels
The European project FRISCO (Fighting teRrorISt Content Online), is a pioneering initiative funded by the European Union, which con...
REPORT | FRISCO Closed-Door Workshop – “The TCO Regulation from the Perspective of National Stakeholders: Bridging Policy and Practice”(18 October 2024, Brussels)
During the second day of FRISCO’s Final Conference (18 October 2024), a closed-door workshop titled "The TCO Regulation from the Perspective of N...
REPORT | FRISCO Final Conference – “Fighting Terrorist Content Online: Progress, Challenges & Perspectives” (17-18 October 2024, Brussels)
The TCO regulation came into force more than two years ago. Soon after, the FRISCO (Fighting Terrorist Content Online) project was laun...
TRAINING | Our e-Training Platform is now live !
We are delighted to announce that our e-Training Platform is now live ! The continued presence of terrorist content online puts citizens and ...
BROCHURE | Access our brochure “Tools & Approaches for small HSPs to address Terrorist Content Online”
After the publication of our Best Practice Manual last week, we are delighted to announce the publication of a complementary resource, our Brochure "...
MANUAL | Access our manual “Countering Terrorist Content Online – A Best Practice Guide for Hosting Service Providers”
We are delighted to announce the publication of one of the key resources of the FRISCO Project, our Best Practice Manual : "Countering Terrorist Cont...
WORKSHOP | Our second FRISCO Workshop was successfully held in Budapest (18-19 April 2024)
Last week represented a significant milestone for the FRISCO Project as we held our second in-person workshop in Budapest on the 18th and 19th of Apr...
EVENT | Our team presented the FRISCO Project and the TCO Cluster in Vienna (16-17 April 2024)
We were delighted to take part in the CYCLOPES (Cybercrime Law Enforcement Practitioners' Network) Dissemination Event in Vienna (Austria) on the 16t...
WORKSHOP | We are organising our second workshop in Budapest (18-19 April 2024)
The FRISCO Team is delighted to announce that our second workshop will be held in Budapest on the 18th and 19th of April 2024. We invite you to join ...
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