Meet the Partner
Every week in this section, we will present our FRISCO partners and their distinct role and work within the project.
NCSR Demokritos

The National Centre for Scientific Research DEMOKRITOS (NCSR Demokritos) is the largest Greek self-governing research organisation under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Greek Government. NCSR Demokritos participates with the Software and Knowledge Engineering Lab (SKEL | The AI Lab) at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications.
SKEL | The AI Lab has participated in and coordinated numerous national and European projects and has substantial expertise in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, big data management, content analysis, e-infrastructures, personalisation and human-machine interaction. Since its inception, SKEL has a strong focus on Artificial Intelligence, with its research activities covering a broad range of Natural Language Processing and Content Management and Analysis areas. Its outcomes on diverse fields like Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation have been applied to critical problems in societally important sectors like Health, Culture, and Maritime.
Role in project: Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis is the FRISCO project coordinator leading WP1 Management and Coordination. NCSR Demokritos is also in charge of the technical developments in WP2 and the preparation of training activities relevant to the FRISCO tools and the dissemination and awareness activities in WP5.

TREMAU is a Paris-based technology start-up, part of the European Trust and Safety Ecosystem. TREMAU focuses on developing innovative tools to assist actors across the digital industry and mitigate their regulatory and operational risks. TREMAU has a leading role in developing tools, frameworks and mechanisms supporting Hosting Service Providers to comply in practice with the Terrorist Content Online Regulation and strengthen their preparedness and capabilities to do so.
Role in project: Mr. Pal Boza represents TREMAU which leads WP2, responsible for the mapping report, documenting the needs and barriers for compliance. The mapping report will give an overview of a) technical readiness and present the existing process of small HSPs b) their human competencies, knowledge, and skills c) the general level of awareness for compliance in relation to TCO regulation. TREMAU leads the effort in WP2 to develop new tools, methods and frameworks to help HSPs comply with the TCO Regulation. TREMAU also participates in the professional work of delivering training materials in the framework of WP3 and in the awareness-raising activities in WP4.

INACH is the leading network within the EU and globally that combats cyber hate using a holistic approach that combines monitoring, content removal, educational methods, international cooperation, advocacy and cutting-edge technology. With our 32 members from 28 countries, we are at the forefront in addressing the issue of online hate speech and bringing the online in line with human rights.
Role in project: Mr. Tamas Berecz represents INACH and provides advice on the intersection of terrorist content and hate speech. INACH participates in WP2 for the mapping exercise created for the development of tools. INACH conducts desk research on the needs of HSPs for compliance with the TCO regulation, contributed in the survey and interviewing of Hosting Service Providers as part of the mapping activity. Finally the partner contributes in the mapping report and supports the organisation of training efforts of the project.
Ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer & Civipol

The French Ministry of Interior is represented in the FRISCO project by three of its internal units: the Sub-Directorate for Combatting Cybercrime (SDLC) which includes Pharos (the French platform for the harmonisation, analysis, cross-checking, and orientation of alerts relating to illicit content online) the Ministerial Delegation to Partnership, Strategies and Security Innovations (DPSIS) and the Directorate for International Security Cooperation (DCIS). The Ministry is supported by its affiliated entity, CIVIPOL which is the international cooperation operator of the Ministry. CIVIPOL builds cooperative security projects with states on a fair return basis in internal security, combining the efficiency of a private company with the power of its public service mission.
The Ministry and CIVIPOL are leading WP5 – Dissemination and Exploitation facilitating the communication and dissemination of the project, contributing to its visibility on a European scale. The French Ministry and CIVIPOL will ensure the dissemination of results, sharing best practices and tools aiming to create an engaged network and raise awareness in the relevant communities. Multilateral meetings and public events will be organised under WP5, including the project’s final conference. The French Ministry and CIVIPOL actively participate in all work packages, especially in WP2 dedicated to mapping the needs and challenges faced by HSPs.

The European Digital Learning Network ETS – DLEARN – is a non-profit association aimed to embrace the challenges brought by the digital transformation in terms of digital skills mismatch and digital learning opportunities. Thanks to its 31 members from 21 EU countries active in the field of education and digital learning at various levels, DLEARN is acting in fostering digital learning and developing and uptaking of digital skills for every citizen, of any age, at all levels.
Role in project: Ms. Martina Manfredda is Project Manager at DLEARN ETS. In FRISCO, DLEARN supports the Coordinator NCSR Demokritos in monitoring the smooth project implementation, releasing two quality progress reports at the middle of the project and at its end. Moreover DLEARN is the leader of WP3 “Training Framework”, aimed to a) design the FRISCO Competence Model, b) design, develop and test the FRISCO training modules, and c) design the validation path of the skills learned according to the EQF. Lastly, DLEARN contributes to all other project activities sharing its expertise and providing its contributions from an Italian perspective.
Violence Prevention Network

Violence Prevention Network is one of Europe’s leading hubs of practitioners, working nationally and internationally with over 120 experts. Violence Prevention Network’s purpose is to support frontline practitioners, policy makers and researchers to bring about positive change in local efforts to prevent and combat violent extremism around the world. Drawing on first-hand knowledge and experience from daily work with radicalised offenders and at-risk individuals, the NGO strives to strengthen partnerships with the broader society, address capacity gaps of key actors, and provide practitioner input into sustainable policies and practical solutions.
Role in project: Ms. Rositsa Dzhekova represents the Violence Prevention Network which leads WP4 and aims to increase awareness of micro and small HSPs on their obligations to comply with TCO regulations but also strengthen their preparedness and capabilities to do so. They will collect best practices and promote mutual learning among HSPs based on lessons learned in dealing with TCO in different ecosystems and insights from successful compliance approaches. Violence Prevention Network will further promote partnerships and networking between micro and small HSPs and other key stakeholders in the effective implementation of the TCO Regulation, building on its over 20 years of experience in fostering multi-stakeholder cooperation in the prevention of terrorism and violent extremism.
The ICT Association of Hungary (IVSZ) is the joint platform of the information technology, telecommunications, and electronics sectors, representing the interest of the Hungarian information and communication technology sector for over 30 years with 350 members. IVSZ facilitates digitization of other sectors as well as the lawful operation of IT companies with various awareness-raising activities and events. IVSZ maintains strong relationships with the stakeholders of the ICT sector and exerts strong lobbying on Hungarian governmental bodies and eight more relevant stakeholders to accelerate the creation of a productive legal and business environment for a competitive Hungarian ICT sector.
Role in project: Ms. Klara Süveges-Heilingbrunner, represents IVSZ which is the Hungarian partner of FRISCO responsible for ensuring the outreach of the project in Hungary. IVSZ has been involved from the start of the project in analysing the needs of the target groups of the TCO Regulation, liaising with the responsible national authorities involved in the implementation of the Regulation in Hungary. The harmonisation of the activities with the national authorities is expected to increase the impact of the project and decrease the required efforts from both sides. IVSZ takes a leading role in the assessment of the FRISCO toolkit that is being developed for the target group to facilitate their compliance with the TCO Regulation. In its engagement activities the partner will focus primarily on Hungary, but will expand to other Central European countries as well in order to help raise awareness about FRISCO’s activities.