FRISCO MANUAL – Countering Terrorist Content Online – A Best Practice Guide for Hosting Service Providers

The FRISCO Best Practice Manual provides practical advice to help HSPs fulfill their obligations under the TCO Regulation, by: drafting terms of service and policy guidelines prohibiting terrorist content; designating a point of contact or legal representative; responding to removal orders; notifying users and establishing a complaint mechanism; putting in place specific measures; and drafting transparency report. The FRISCO Best Practice Manual was produced under Work Package 4 “Sharing of experiences, developing best practices and awareness raising” by our partners from Violence Prevention Network Arwa BEN AHMED and Rositsa DZHEKOVA.
FRISCO BROCHURE – Tools & Approaches for small Hosting Service Providers to address Terrorist Content Online

The FRISCO Brochure provides a comprehensive overview of the technical tools and solutions available to HSPs to address the dissemination of terrorist content on their services and increase their compliance with the TCO Regulation : compliance tools, content moderation software, detection tool, hash-matching tools. The FRISCO Brochure was produced under Work Package 4 “Sharing of experiences, developing best practices and awareness raising” by our partners from Violence Prevention Network, with support of Tremau, IVSZ and Civipol.
FRISCO FACT SHEETS – Quick and condensed information for Hosting Service Providers!

The TCO Regulation at a glance: if you need quick and condensed information about your obligations as a Hosting Service Provider, please take a look at our four factsheets for safely navigating compliance, content moderation and staying one step ahead in countering terrorist content.
FRISCO REPORT – FRISCO Final Conference – “Fighting Terrorist Content Online: Progress, Challenges & Perspectives”

The FRISCO project held its final two-day conference in Brussels on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 October 2024. This final event brought together a diverse group of experts, stakeholders and practitioners to discuss the pressing issues surrounding terrorist content online. Over two days, participants engaged in thoughtful discussions and shared insights on the evolving threat landscape, the role of tech platforms, and the need for collaborative approaches to counter terrorist content and radicalisation online.
FRISCO REPORT – FRISCO Closed-Door Workshop Event – “The TCO Regulation from the Perspective of National Stakeholders: Bridging Policy and Practice”

During the second day of FRISCO’s final conference, a closed-door workshop titled The TCO Regulation from the Perspective of National Stakeholders: Bridging Policy and Practice brought together a selected group of regulators and law enforcement experts from across the EU. The session served as an opportunity for participants to discuss national experiences, share practical knowledge regarding the implementation of the TCO regulation, and collaboratively explore solutions to common challenges.
FRISCO INSIGHTS – The EU Regulation on Terrorist Content Online : are European platforms ready (3/3)?

In 2023, the FRISCO Team conducted a study (available in full-length here) to assess the readiness of small European online platforms (i.e. ‘Hosting Service Providers’) regarding the provisions of the TCO Regulation. We gathered their insights and identified the most common challenges they face. In this article series, we offer a comprehensive breakdown of our findings. In the third and final article of the series, avaible below, we present our main results and answer our research question: are small European platforms ready to cope with the Regulation on TCO (3/3)?
FRISCO INSIGHTS – The EU Regulation on Terrorist Content Online : are European platforms ready (2/3)?

In 2023, the FRISCO Team conducted a study (available in full-length here) to assess the readiness of small European online platforms (i.e. ‘Hosting Service Providers’) regarding the provisions of the TCO Regulation. We gathered their insights and identified the most common challenges they face. In this article series, we offer a comprehensive breakdown of our findings. In the second article of the series, avaible below, we focus on the online behaviour of terrorists and the types of platforms they exploit (2/3).
FRISCO INSIGHTS – The EU Regulation on Terrorist Content Online : are European platforms ready (1/3)?

In 2023, the FRISCO Team conducted a study (available in full-length here) to assess the readiness of small European online platforms (i.e. ‘Hosting Service Providers’) regarding the provisions of the TCO Regulation. We gathered their insights and identified the most common challenges they face. In this article series, we offer a comprehensive breakdown of our findings. In the first article, avaible below, we explain why terrorists use the Internet and online platforms (1/3).