Successful completion of the FRISCO Project with final conference hosted in Brussels

The European project FRISCO (Fighting teRrorISt Content Online), is a pioneering initiative funded by the European Union, which concluded its successful two-year journey with a high-profile final conference in Brussels, in November 2024. The event brought together 87 participants from 63 leading organisations, policymakers, and experts and stakeholders in the fight against online terrorist content, marking a significant milestone in raising awareness and strengthening compliance with the EU Regulation on Terrorist Content Online (TCO).
The conference featured valuable discussions that highlighted the increasingly complex and hybrid nature of the TCO landscape, with terrorist actors exploiting disruptive technologies like Generative AI. It also underscored the multifaceted nature of terrorist content and activities online, emphasizing how various platforms are being exploited by these actors. Furthermore, the discussions stressed the vital role of tech platforms in combating these threats, while drawing attention to the unique challenges faced by smaller platforms, which often lack the necessary resources, knowledge, and tools for effective moderation. Additional challenges, such as non-compliance by certain platforms and the difficulty of monitoring non-European entities, were also brought to light. Collaborative partnerships among stakeholders – including tech platforms, EU institutions, governments, academia, and civil society – were identified as essential for creating unified and effective responses to online extremism.
During the event, the importance of achieving a balance between AI-powered moderation tools and human moderation was stressed. While AI offers efficiency in detecting and removing harmful content, human intervention remains critical for understanding and decision-making. Participants recognised the need for education and digital literacy initiatives to equip individuals with the skills to recognise and resist extremist narratives, as well as proactive approaches to counter radicalisation by creating compelling counter-narratives. The conference concluded with actionable recommendations, including tailoring support for smaller platforms, promoting responsible AI use, addressing emerging threats like media produced by Generative AI, and fostering innovative, cross-platform strategies to tackle extremist content online.
Amongst conference participants were the sibling projects that form the TCO Cluster (FRISCO, ALLIES, and TATE) who played an active role in the discussions, underscoring the commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation in this critical field. With the support of the European Commission, the Cluster has created a dedicated page on the DG Home website. This resource consolidates all tools and essential information about the TCO Regulation, providing invaluable support to Hosting Service Providers (HSPs) in ensuring compliance.
Included in FRISCO’s project results was the delivery of cutting-edge tools, resources, and best practices to help HSPs and stakeholders comply with the EU’s TCO Regulation. These achievements include:
- Innovative Toolbox: Advanced solutions are introduced for detection, moderation, and removal terrorist content, ensuring compliance with regulations.
- FRISCO Training Platform: A tailored platform provides HSPs with essential skills and knowledge, especially aiding smaller providers.
- Best Practices: Actionable materials offer clear guidance for consistent and effective regulatory compliance.
Overall, FRISCO has significantly contributed to raising awareness of the EU’s TCO Regulation, empowering HSPs and other stakeholders to combat the spread of terrorist content online. By fostering dialogue, sharing knowledge, and delivering practical solutions, the project has laid the groundwork for a safer and more resilient digital environment in the EU.
- Read the Report from the Final FRISCO Conference, 17-18 October 2024, Brussels
- Read the Report from the FRISCO Closed-Door Workshop: The TCO Regulation from the Perspective of National Stakeholders: Bridging Policy and Practice (18 October 2024, Brussels)
- For more information about the FRISCO project and its outcomes:
The partnership consists of seven (7) beneficiary partners across six (6) European countries: Coordinator National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos/NCSRD (Greece), Tremau (France), Stichting International Network against Cyber Hate/INACH (Netherlands), French Ministry of Interior – CIVI POL (France), Violence Prevention Network GGMBH/VPN (Germany), European Digital Learning Network/D-Learn (Italy) and the Informatikai, Tavkozlesi es Elektronikai Vallalkozasok Szovetsege/IVSZ (Hungary).