WORKSHOP | Our second FRISCO Workshop was successfully held in Budapest (18-19 April 2024)
Last week represented a significant milestone for the FRISCO Project as we held our second in-person workshop in Budapest on the 18th and 19th of April 2024.
This two-day event brought together Trust & Safety Experts and seasoned representatives of European Institutions, Online Platforms, LEAs, Government Agencies, Solution Providers, Tech and Trade Associations, as well as Civil Society Actors, with the aim of exploring the complexities of the TCO and the DSA and creating multi-stakeholder collaborations.
Over the course of the first day, we explored different perspectives on TCO and DSA, highlighting their congruence and differences, while looking at the practicalities of implementation and compliance. We also presented for the first time our Training Programme, thus offering a live training session focusing on the global dynamics of the exploitation of the Internet by terrorists and violent extremists.
After a presentation of the Toolbox developed by FRISCO and a series of dedicated testing workshops, the second day was centred on an Online Marketplace Event, offering online platforms an overview of the different solutions available to moderate harmful content. Eight solution providers had the opportunity to introduce their offer to the public.

We would like to thank all of 75 participants who joined the sessions in-person and online and contributed to the success of our event, and we would particularly like to thank our speakers :
- Klara Süveges-Heilingbrunner, EU Project Expert at IVSZ – IT Association of Hungary
- Koralia Kontou, Project Officer at the European Commission
- Henk Visser, Programme Manager at the European Commission
- Tamás Róka, Infomedia Regulation Expert at National Media and Infocommunications Authority (Hungary)
- Jakub Rybnikár, DSA Coordinator at the Council for Media Services (Slovakia)
- Peter Dudič, Trust & Safety Expert
- Friederike Wegener, Policy Officer at the European Commission
- Anna De Marchi, Policy Officer at the European Commission
- Rositsa Dzhekova, Deputy Director at Violence Prevention Network
- Gianluca Coppola, Founder and President at European Digital Learning Network ETS
- Pierre Sivignon, Project Officer at CIVIPOL
- Jose Martinez-Usero, Director of Projects at DIGITALEUROPE
- Pál Boza, Co-Founder & COO at Tremau
- Isabelle A., Senior Analyst at Tremau
- Paula Gomila Marques, Policy Analyst at Tech Against Terrorism and Coordinator of Tech Against Terrorism Europe
- Slavyana Krushovenska, CCO at Identrics
- Yolina Petrova, VP of AI & Data Solutions at Identrics
- George Kalpakis, Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas and partner of ALLIES
- Waqif Hossain, Sales Executive at Utopia Analytics
- David Lissmyr, Founder at Sightengine
- Frank Noorlander, Software & Solutions Engineer at Web-IQ
- Gijs van Beek, Co-founder at Textgain
- Alex Nelson, Senior Manager – Strategy & Analysis at Logically
A report and additional documents will be made available to the public very shortly, so be sure to follow us!