REPLAY | The material from our webinar with the Radicalisation Awareness Network is now available
If you missed the webinar “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism online: a discussion with the Radicalisation Awareness Network” or would like to watch it again, click here to fill in the form and receive access to the videos and presentations.
On the 29th of January 2024, our team organised a webinar dedicated to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism online, in collaboration with the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). The webinar had two key objectives: to discuss the latest academic findings in the field of online radicalisation and extremism with experts from RAN Policy Support, and to discover with experts from RAN Practitioners practical approaches and tools for curbing online extremist content and radicalisation processes. FRISCO’s activities, solutions and tools, were also presented and the TCO Cluster was introduced, a collaboration network with the European projects ALLIES and Tech Against Terrorism Europe.

The webinar started with a foreword from the European Commission (DG Home), provided by Friederike Wegener and Koralia Kontou, and an introduction to our project by project coordinator, Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis (Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos).
The first part was dedicated to the analysis of violent extremism online.
- Pierre Sivignon (Civipol) presented the results and findings of our mapping report, emphasising the need to support small online platforms.
- Guillaume Courchinoux (RAN Policy Support) talked about the missions and activities of the RAN Policy Support.
- Dr. Arije Antinori (Sapienza Università di Roma, RAN Policy Support) gave an extensive presentation on the current trends regarding violent extremism online.
- Laurence Bindner (The JOS Project, RAN Policy Support) presented her paper on the impacts of 2023 Hamas-led attacks on the European digital ecosystem.

The second part was dedicated to tools and P/CVE approaches.
- Pal Boza (Tremau) introduced the FRISCO Toolbox, currently under development: self-assessment questionnaire, process map and content moderation tool.
- Fabian Wichmann (EXIT Germany, RAN Practitioners) presented methods to counter extremist propaganda online and case studies, also providing recommendations.
- Martina Bogdanova (Law and Internet Foundation, ALLIES) and Paula Gomila Marqués (Tech Against Terrorism Europe) presented their respective projects.
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