TCO CLUSTER | Meet FRISCO’s Sibling Projects : ALLIES and Tech Against Terrorism Europe
In the context of raising awareness about the Terrorist Content Online Regulation (TCO), the European Commission funded, under the same EU Call (SF-2021-AG-TCO), European projects FRISCO, ALLIES and TATE. These projects are siblings conducting research in parallel and according to their contractual obligations towards the EC.
All three projects aim to inform on their new obligations and support Hosting Service Providers (HSPs) in Europe about the new Regulation on Terrorist Content Online (TCO) which came into effect in July 2022. All three projects will support HSPs with the development of tools which will be created to help report and remove content, while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.

To be more effective with their work in the domain, the sibling projects have initiated a collaboration namely the TCO Cluster, so as to take advantage of synergies whilst working together in Communication, Dissemination and the exchange of technical know-how.
As the first of the three projects to have kicked off, FRISCO leads the collaboration in Communication & Dissemination setting the infrastructure on which the siblings the base their joint efforts.
Follow our projects on social media and use the hashtag #TCOCluster for updates!