EVENT | Official launch of the FRISCO Project!
We are delighted to announce the kick-off of our European project FRISCO – Fighting teRrorISt Content Online which aims to support Hosting Service Providers to comply with the Terrorist Content Online Regulation.
The project kicked off on 18 November 2022 in Athens, at coordinator’s NCSR Demokritos premises.

Τhe FRISCO project is funded under the Horizon Europe framework Internal Security Fund (ISF) and is a two-year project which aims to support Hosting Service Providers to comply with the Terrorist Content Online Regulation.
As a result of the project, targeted hosting service providers will have a better understanding of what is classed as terrorist content online and will be better prepared to deal with it and to comply to the Terrorist Content Online Regulation. This will lead to safer navigation online by reducing the risk to encounter terrorist content.
The objectives of the project will be achieved through:
- Informing Hosting Service Providers and increasing their awareness of the Terrorist Content Online Regulation and their new obligations
- Developing and validating tools, frameworks and mechanisms to support hosting service providers in the implementation of the Terrorist Content Online Regulation
- Sharing experience, best practices and tools to support the implementation of the Regulation.
The project gathers seven beneficiaroes from six European countries: Coordinator National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (Greece), Tremau (France), Stichting International Network against Cyber Hate/INACH (Netherlands), French Ministry of Interior (France), Violence Prevention Network GGMBH/VPN (Germany), European Digital Learning Network/D-Learn (Italy) and Informatikai, Tavkozlesi es Elektronikai Vallalkozasok Szovetsege/IVSZ (Hungary).