REPORT | Read the report of our first Workshop in Berlin (5-6 December 2023)
The EU-funded FRISCO project (Fighting Terrorist Content Online) aims to raise awareness and encourage exchange of experience among Hosting Service Providers (HSPs) to support their compliance with the EU Regulation 2021/784 on Addressing the Dissemination of Terrorist Content Online (Regulation on TCO).
As part of this effort, on 5 and 6 December 2023, a workshop was held in Berlin, Germany, organised by Violence Prevention Network (VPN) in collaboration with project partners. It gathered 30 participants in person and online from different countries across Europe and backgrounds. Participants included representatives of four (4) Hosting Service Providers (HSPs), two (2) industry associations, the German regulator Federal Network Agency, reporting platforms, trust & safety experts, representatives of large online platforms such as META, X and Tiktok.

Participants engaged in interactive discussions, identifying challenges and possible low-threshold compliance solutions for HSPs with the TCO Regulation. The audience was also introduced to the FRISCO toolbox, providing added value and support for HSPs to achieve overall compliance and multi-stakeholder cooperation.
You can find the full report below, or access it by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.