e-Training Platform

Designed to support tech platforms in their compliance and content moderation efforts, our e-Training Platform and its related online course will help HSPs protect their services from terrorist content and implement the measures imposed by the TCO Regulation.

This online course is divided into 7 training modules:

  • 1. Content moderation in a Trust & Safety perspective: Introduction
  • 2. Terrorism and Violent Extremism Online: General overview
  • 3. Terrorist (mis)uses of the Internet and Online Platforms: Trends and Practices
  • 4. TCO Regulation: Context & Overview
  • 5. TCO Regulation: Measures and related duties for your company
  • 6. TCO Regulation: Impacts and road to compliance
  • 7. Beyond TCO: How to stay one step ahead

In addition to the English version, our training modules are also available in : Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian and Italian. Every training module also includes ad hoc learning materials, videos, activities, links to external materials and quizzes. Besides tech platforms, this online course can also be taken by anyone interested, and especially CT and P/CVE professionals. You will receive a badge after their completion, so make sure to sign up !

The FRISCO e-Training Platform was produced under Work Package 3Training Framework: methodology and contents” by the European Digital Learning Network ETS (Dlearn), supported by all of our partners.

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